Martín supervises the start of the demolition works of 19,000 m2 of warehouses in the Maliaño docks.

10 Feb 2022
Mr. Martín supervises the beginning of the demolition works of 19,000 m2 of warehouses in the Maliaño docks. The works, which have a budget of 530 thousand euros, have an execution period of 5 months and represent a new advance in the configuration of the area for the reception of ferries powered by Liquefied Natural Gas in 2023. Martín: "with the removal of these ships we eliminate the visual barrier that existed between the neighbors and the sea. Now Santander citizens and visitors will be able to enjoy the promenade with a much cleaner and more pleasant perspective". Santander 10-02-22. The president of the Port Authority, Francisco Martin, said this morning that, with the demolition of the ships M1, M2 and M3, there is an important advance in the works for the construction of the new ferry terminal "which should be ready to receive in 2023 the new Brittany Ferries ships powered by Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)". The works, executed by the construction company CUEVAS, have a budget of 530 thousand euros and an execution period of five months, and constitute a fundamental step for the installation of the new ferry terminal, which includes the LNG supply station and the construction of the Maliaño pier in its sections 1 to 4. Martín has pointed out that the removal of these warehouses, which occupy an area of 19,000 m2, will have a "positive visual impact" on the area, improving both the views and the quality of life of the neighbors and passers-by, since "now they will be able to enjoy the space with a much cleaner and more pleasant perspective" in line with the new Antonio López promenade, whose land for its extension "has been ceded by the Port Authority". Thus, he stressed that the port "is committed to improving the city throughout the waterfront" and has assured that "in the coming weeks" will present the conclusions of a document prepared by the consultant ARUP "with the indications of the APS" on the definition of port uses that will allow the opening to public use of new port assets, "currently with less use". In this sense, he also referred to the assignments which "the APS has already made" so that the citizens can enjoy spaces such as the Exhibition Hall of the ENAIRE Foundation, the Gamazo Dry Dock or the Pumps hut. Maliaño Pier, sections 1-4. The work, with a budget of 19 Million Euros, is scheduled to be completed in March, 2023. After the demolition of the warehouses that is currently being carried out, in October of this year, the development of the ferry terminal parking lot will begin, for an amount of 2 million euros and a completion period of 6 months. In addition, work has also begun on the piling of the new deck of the future dock on the heel side where the new ro-ro ramp will be located. This action will recover a berthing length of 375 m and a draft of 8 m, with the possibility of increasing it to 9.5 m by dredging, if necessary in the future. The dock will allow the berthing of ro-ro cargo ships and ro-pax ships (ferries), and occasionally, also cruise ships. LNG station The consortium formed by Puerto de Santander, Repsol LNG Holding, (RLH), ESK and Enagás has started the construction of an LNG supply facility whose works are expected to be completed by the end of 2022. It should be recalled that on May 26, 2020, the Port Authority granted a concession to Repsol LNG Holding S.A. to occupy an area of 4,902 m2 on the Maliaño quay for the construction and operation of an LNG supply station for ships, for the exclusive private use of the concessionaire. The investment budget amounts to 10 million euros and the concession term is 15 years. The new facility is designed to load Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) as fuel for Ferry type vessels, which have a storage capacity of up to 1,000 m3. The facility is flexible enough to be able to supply other types of ships. It also has the necessary elements to allow future expansions to adapt to future LNG demands. This action also has a European aid within the CEF-Transport program, specifically in the call Projects on the Comprehensive Network (CEF-T-2019-1-AP-TRANSPORT) / Maritime Ports and is part of the LNGhive2 strategy promoted by Puertos del Estado.