Martín assures that the new terminal will consolidate fertilizer traffic and contribute to the specialization of the port.

29 Sep 2021
Martín assures that the new terminal will consolidate the fertilizer traffic and will contribute to the specialization of the port. The infrastructure, which has an investment of 9 million euros, is expected to come into operation during the summer of 2022. Martín: "COBASA's terminal will be one of the most advanced in transport, automatic weighing and storage of fertilizers and will minimize dust emissions". Santander 27-08-21. The President of the Port Authority of Santander (APS), Francisco Martín, visited today, together with the President of Cantabria, Miguel Ángel Revilla, and the Minister of Industry, Tourism, Innovation, Transport and Trade and Vice President of the APS, Javier López Marcano, the start of the construction works of the new Fertilizer Terminal of the port, which is expected to be operational during the summer of 2022. Mr. Martín pointed out that "thanks to this infrastructure" the fertilizer traffic in the port will be consolidated and the specialization of the Cantabrian dock will be advanced, since "with the agri-food, solid bulk, liquid, fertilizers and, in a few months, containers, the APS already has a finished surface of about 75% of the land". The head of the port has also stressed that it is a "very efficient" terminal both in terms of optimizing the performance of unloading of goods, as in environmental management "as it will reduce dust emissions to a minimum". Martín thanked COBASA, a company from Cantabria, for "its commitment to the port of Santander with a 100% private investment that will turn the port infrastructure into a reference in the field of fertilizers". For his part, the president of Cantabria, Miguel Angel Revilla, highlighted the "positive transformation" that the port will undergo over the next two years with an investment of more than 100 million euros and pointed out that it is "a fundamental asset of the Autonomous Community, which represents 12% of GDP". The head of the Cantabrian executive has highlighted the difficulties that the port has suffered due to the "poor communications and the lack of investments" and has assured that the new access to the port and the railroad with Madrid are already underway "with a first phase of awarding of two sections and a horizon of having all the work underway by the end of 2023". The Minister of Industry, Tourism, Innovation, Transport and Trade, Javier López Marcano, has highlighted, for his part, "the benefit that the port will obtain" from the development of La Pasiega, which, in the coming months, will have "definitive results". In this sense, the counselor has advanced that the project will be approved "definitively" in February or March, and has announced that the General State Budget will include "a nominative subsidy for an important amount of eleven million euros" for La Pasiega. The work on the Fertilizer Terminal, awarded to Fernandez Rosillo for the civil part and to Calero Indaisa for the mechanical part, started this week and is expected to be operational during the summer of 2022. This terminal has an expected throughput of 60,000 tons/year, a surface area of 7,000 m2, a storage capacity of 25,000 tons, an unloading capacity of 7,000 tons per day and a lifting capacity of 10,000 tons per day by truck.