Martín and Igual inaugurate the new Antonio López promenade, enlarged thanks to the transfer of port land

29 Apr 2022
Martin and Igual inaugurate the new promenade of Antonio Lopez, expanded thanks to the transfer of port land Santanderinos and visitors can enjoy, from today, 2,500 m2 more port land transformed into a wider sidewalk and green areas and rest. The president of the APS has ensured that this action, the result of an agreement with the City of Santander, in addition to others such as the demolition of the warehouses of Maliaño "which provides citizens with a much more open and pleasant perspective of the area". Santander 29-04-22. The president of the Port Authority, Francisco Martin, has shown this morning, during the inauguration of the new promenade of Antonio Lopez Street, his "satisfaction" with the result of the expansion of the road, which has been made possible "thanks to the transfer of 2,500 m2 of port land that has been transformed into a wider sidewalk and green areas and rest areas". Martin has stressed the importance of working with the City Council "in a coordinated manner" to obtain, between the two institutions, "actions as wonderful as the one we inaugurate today and ensure that the promenade continues in optimal conditions to La Marga". Martin, has also referred to other interventions in which the Port and the City Council must collaborate "so that Santander continues to release spaces that are at the height of a city and a bay so spectacular. Thus he referred to the Muelle de Maura, the Dock of Puertochico, the area of Los Peligros or Varadero environment, among the actions that "are underway or should be developed soon. In addition, he noted that, "to help clear the area of Antonio Lopez and rearrange the port activity," the port has demolished the warehouses of Maliaño and the space generated will become part of the new ferry terminal. On the other hand, Martin has used the opening of Antonio Lopez to request "once again" to the Directorate General of Heritage, belonging to the Ministry of Finance, to reconsider the possibility of ceding the use of part of the old building Tabacalera (the second floors have been ceded to the City Council to make a Civic Center) to the Port Authority to establish its headquarters there and, incidentally, give use to a building that is currently being underutilized. For her part, the mayor of Santander, Gema Igual, stressed that it is a "very important day" for the city and, above all, for the 20,000 residents who live in the area, and pointed out the need to continue the promenade between the Barrio Pesquero and Los Peligros. Igual has stressed the importance of collaboration with the port, "which has meant that the Santander citizens can enjoy more than 75,000 m2 released spaces ceded" and thanked the neighbors "their patience with the works" whose end has resulted in a "wonderful walk" that was previously 14 meters and has now gone to 22.5 meters and has gained 1500 meters of green areas and rest. 2,500 square meters freed up The project, the result of the existing agreement between the City Council and the Port (signed in October 2018), has freed up 2,500 square meters more of port spaces for the use and enjoyment of the neighbors. The City Council awarded the works to SIEC, the demolition works and the subsequent development of the space freed in Antonio López, for a budget of 1,500,400 euros and a completion period of nine months, while, at the expense of the Port Authority, has run the transfer of the port dependencies that occupied these sheds and whose cost was 1,000,000 euros financed by the Interport Compensation Fund, of which the Port Authority itself is a net contributor. The new land released has allowed the street, which had a width of 14 meters, has gained 8.5 meters more to stand at 22.5 meters, an area that is added to the sidewalk that runs next to the buildings to get a great pedestrian promenade in which have been incorporated seating areas, green areas and new trees.