The Port Authority of Santander launches, together with the artist Okuda and diario Montañés, the contest "Coloreando Cantabria" for children between 4 and 12 years old

6 Apr 2020

The Port Authority of Santander launches, together with the artist Okuda and diario Montañés, the contest "Coloreando Cantabria" for children between 4 and 12 years old Help children express their feelings and show their ideas to build a better world once this difficult stage has passed is the objective of the contest "Coloring Cantabria". An initiative of the Port Authority of Santander, El Diario Montañés and the Cantabrian artist Okuda, through his project 'Colouring the world'. Santander 06-04-20. From today, the Port Authority of Santander, El Diario Montañés and Ink and Movement launch "Coloreando Cantabria", a call for drawing in which children between four and twelve years old invite children between the age of four and twelve to send their creations to the newspaper.

The newspaper will publish week by week these special artistic bets and the selected ones will be part of an exhibition that will take place at the Palacete del Embarcadero, along with drawings by Okuda San Miguel. It's about children teaching us, through their drawings and their own perspective, how they think it's going to change the world once this serious crisis we're going through has passed. Therefore, we invite you to show it to us through the following questions: What have you learned at home these days? What are you going to do that you didn't do before? How can we be better and stronger? How can we make a better world? How can we make Cantabria a better place? What about the Port of Santander? What's the first thing you're going to do when you can get out of the house? Children between 4 and 12 years old (both inclusive) who have signed up online before Friday, April 17 at 12.00 hours can participate through the form that can be accessed through the website.

The competition covers three categories: children from 4 to 6 years old, from 7 to 9 years old and from 10 to 12 years old, and participants will be able to use the technique they want (separately or in combination; pencils, waxes, watercolor, collage, etc.), always in A3 format maximum (29 x 42 cm), both in physical and digital support. The contest is organized into weekly calls and each participant will be able to send a drawing each week. Thus, on Sundays 12 and 19 April a selection of the drawings received will be published in the paper edition of El Diario Montañés, as well as on its social networks. All the drawings submitted will also be published on the website of the call:

Participation in any of the calls involves accepting the bases (available on the same website) and the jury's ruling, and all participants will receive a certificate of participation in the initiative. In addition, once the contest is over and on dates yet to be determined, an exhibition will be held at the Palacete del Embarcadero of the Port Authority of Santander, in which the selected drawings will be exhibited along with works made by the Cantabrian artist Okuda San Miguel during the confinement period. His ideas and drawings will be in addition to those of Okuda San Miguel and his Colouring the World project, which he promotes together with his Ink and Movement team to achieve a more egalitarian society and a more balanced world through art and culture.