Historic day for the Port of Santander with the arrival of the cranes to operate at the container terminal

20 Sep 2022
Historic day for the Port of Santander with the arrival of the cranes that will operate in the container terminal This new logistics infrastructure, to be known as Boluda Maritime Terminals Santander, is scheduled to start operations in January 2023. For the president of the APS this is an “exciting and highly anticipated” day, since the arrival of the cranes is the “symbol of the achievement of one of the oldest aspirations of the port and will provide the industry of Cantabria with a complete catalog of services”. Santander 20-09-22. The president of the Port Authority, Francisco Martín, has shown this morning his satisfaction for the arrival of the cranes that will operate in the Port Container Terminal from the first quarter of 2023, since they represent the achievement of a service “eagerly awaited and actively sought by the port for more than 30 years”, which “will bring us closer to seven million tons” and that will endow the Cantabrian industry with “a new channel with which to carry out commercial operations through the container and increase the options in terms of destinations”. For Martin “the port is building its future” thanks to this and all the works that are in progress with an investment of 150 million euros and that are making it “a different port, much more complete, much more elastic, much more competitive to face any project since, if you do not have infrastructure, you cannot offer services”. This is what Martin said after his visit with the President of Cantabria, Miguel Ángel Revilla; the Councilor of Industry, Tourism, Innovation, Transport and Commerce and Vice President of the APS, Francisco Javier López Marcano and the President of Boluda Shipping, Ignacio Boluda, to the cranes of the container terminal located at the Muelle de Raos 3. For his part, the president of Cantabria, Miguel Ángel Revilla, has stated that “we continue to have good news for Cantabria” and that he is “very satisfied and grateful to the company Boluda” for the “huge boost” that the container terminal will give to the port of Santander supporting Cantabrian infrastructure up to seven million tons and in conditions of “competing with the rest of the ports of northern Spain”. The president of Cantabria has also stressed that the port “is one of the great assets that the Autonomous Community has” and that “it will increase thanks to the 150 million euros of investment that are underway to make it increasingly competitive”. Industry councilor and vice president of the port, Javier López Marcano, has pointed out the “important contribution” to both the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and the Cantabrian employment of the Port of Santander that will be increased thanks to the “stubborn will” of the Boluda Corporation for being present in this dock. Marcano has also referred to another “magnificent news” such as the increase in imports and exports, “despite the unstable world situation” and has assured that the new terminal will help to transform “our relations with our zone of influence”. In addition, the president of Boluda Shipping, Ignacio Boluda Ceballos, has shown “his satisfaction” that the project “is developing correctly” and because the arrival of the cranes, “a few months after the laying of the first stone”, represents “that the terminal is a reality” so he hopes that “during the first quarter of 2023” can give “the starting gun” to the operations. Boluda also stressed that it is “a very important project for us that has worked hard for years and to which we are very fond because of the family link of the Corporation with Cantabria”. The cranes The two STS (Ship to Shore) cranes are waiting to be moved between Wednesday and Friday to the concession that Boluda Shipping has on the North Ramos Jetty to operate in Boluda Maritime Terminals Santander, the Container Terminal that will come into operation at the beginning of the year. These are two Post-Panamax machines that have left the port of Rotterdam. · Approximate overall height (horizontal boom): 65.44 meters. · Approximate total height (vertical boom): 88.00 meters. · Weight of cranes: 800 tons (each). · Load capacity: 50 tons. Boluda Maritime Terminals This terminal represents a historic milestone that will provide the industry of Cantabria and the entire area of influence of the port (hinterland) with a catalog of services practically complete. This logistics platform is expected to be operational during the first quarter of 2023. The concession for the works and operation of the maritime terminal was awarded by the Board of Directors of the Port Authority of Santander on 16 December 2020 to NSCT Investment, a company set up by Boluda. Dragados has been the company that awarded the execution of the works that are in progress. Boluda Maritime Terminals Santander will occupy an area of around 67,000 square meters and will have a docking line of 472 meters. In addition, of the ships of other companies that stow and dispose of their goods, Boluda Lines, the shipping company of Boluda Shipping - the international division of transport and logistics of Boluda Corporación Marítima -, plans to make a stopover per week, with links in ports such as Villagarcía, Leixoes, Setúbal, Las Palmas and Tenerife, as well as in Northern Europe. Investment Boluda Maritime Terminals Santander is committed to maintaining a minimum annual import and export traffic of goods of at least 35,000 TEUs for the first five years of the concession and, from that year, of 44,823 TEUs per year. The shipping company is planning an investment of 20 million euros in civil works, installations, construction and purchase of machinery. An investment that, with the inclusion in the repair of equipment, is estimated to reach 38.5 million euros during the 40 years fixed for the concession. With this initiative, the port of Santander joins the ports where the subsidiary Boluda Maritime Terminals, belonging to the Boluda Shipping Division, manages the logistics of stowing and disposing of goods, located in Las Palmas, Tenerife, Fuerteventura, La Palma, Sevilla and Villagarcía.