Francisco Martín and Teófila Martínez meet in Santander to share experiences in port integration

5 Apr 2022
Francisco Martin and Teofila Martinez meet in Santander to share experiences on port-city integration During their meeting, the presidents of the Port Authorities of Santander and Cadiz have highlighted the similarities of both ports in this area and have highlighted the need to address this management challenge from a point of view based on innovation and sustainability. Santander 05-04-22. The president of the Port Authority of Santander (APS), Francisco Martín, has received this morning his counterpart in Cadiz, Teófila Martínez, to show her the Cantabrian dock and share experiences about some of the projects in which both ports are working, among which stands out the port-city integration. The president of the APS has referred to the port redevelopment project of Santander as "a long journey" that has suffered "countless vicissitudes" but that "is close to being resolved". Martin explained that "the economic crisis, the cancellation of the General Urban Development Plan (PGOU) of Santander or the transformation of the port needs" have made the Interadministrative Agreement of 2011, signed by all the administrations involved in the process, "has suffered numerous delays and transformations". Thus, the top leader of the port has moved to Martinez that the APS has commissioned the consulting firm ARUP, a master plan that "will soon be presented" and that contains a new vision and management of the uses of port land "which will allow, in turn, a major rearrangement of the waterfront." Martin also stressed that it is a document that "enhances the unitary vision of the waterfront, generating a new image reflecting an innovative city and connected with the latest international trends, without losing its Atlantic character". The head of the port has assured that "he is eager to present the Master Plan to reach a consensus as soon as possible and start the transformation as soon as possible" and that he can advance that the proposal will be structured around four main pillars: innovation, knowledge, health and welfare and sustainability. For her part, the president of the Port Authority of the Bay of Cadiz pointed out the importance of learning about the experience of other ports, not only in their relationship with the cities, but also in their daily operations. In the case of the Port of Santander, there is also the added interest of sharing similar magnitudes and a location with respect to the city also very similar. On the other hand, both leaders took advantage of the meeting to exchange experiences related to the celebration of the 150th anniversary of the port in the case of Santander and the 120th anniversary in the case of Cadiz. Finally, the president of the APS has made a tour of the port facilities to show his counterpart in Cadiz the main advances being made in infrastructure and, as explained by the Cantabrian leader, involve "a change in the appearance, in the operation and in the overall design of the operation of the port. Thus, Martin showed the president of the Port Authority of the Bay of Cadiz a port "in works", with investments of more than 180 million euros, which must also coexist with "excellence in day-to-day operations".