The prizes of the III International Mini Print Cantabria failed

20 Oct 2020

The prizes of the III International Mini Print Cantabria Santander, October 20, 2020 failed. Amy Sands (USA) by Constellation XXI, Cleo Wilkinson (Australia) by Whale and Sioban Piercy (Ireland) for My small be held by you have been the winners of the III International Mini Print Cantabria, "The Sea and the Lighthouses". References have also been made to Raquel Martínez (Spain), Alicja Snoch-Pawlowska (Poland), Bren Unwin (United Kingdom), Frances Valesco (United States) and Helena Kanaan (Brazil). In this edition, the jury has been composed of Alexandra G. Núñez, director of Espacio Alexandra, Nuria García Gutiérrez, director of the Exhibition Area of the University of Cantabria, and Sara Huete, artist and director of the Doctor Madrazo Cultural Center, as guest personalities, as well as by Guillermo Balbona, by El Diario Montañés, Carlos Limorti, by the Port Authority of Santander and Andrea Juan, by SM Pro Art. Special mention, they have deserved the data related to the Special Cantabrian Sea Prize, reserved for artists born and born and / or resident in Cantabria and that has been sponsored by the Diario Montañés. This is the first year in which this distinction is awarded which aims to promote the practice of the graphic arts of the artists of Cantabria. 17 Cantabrian artists have presented a total of 47 graphic works of various techniques, with Patricia Castanedo rising with the award for her monotype Cabo Mayor. The III Mini Print Internacional Cantabria, "El Mar y los Faros" has been attended by 273 artists from 44 countries around the world who have presented to competition 676 graphic works in small format. This year they are exhibited in their entirety at the Faro Cabo Mayor Art Center, demonstrating once again the growth of the contest and its international projection. As usual in the contest, the vast majority of participating artists have decided to donate their works to the Cabo Mayor Lighthouse Art Center which, in this edition, will see their funds increased in 500 other works. In this way, when the exhibition of the III International Mini Print Cantabria ends, CAFCM will have almost a thousand engravings in small format of important artists from all corners of the planet. Relationship of artists and works awarded and mentioned in the III Mini Print International Cantabria: First Prize: Amy Sands (United States) Work: Constellation XXI - Technique: Monocopy - Screen printing and laser cutting Second prize: Cleo Wilkinson (Australia) Work: Whale - Technique: Mezzotinta Third Prize: Sioban Piercy (Ireland) Work: My small sea held by you (Atlantic II) - Technique: Inkjet printing : Patricia Castanedo (Spain) Work: Cabo Mayor – Technique: Monotype First Mention: Raquel Martínez (Spain) Work: Faro Noche – Technique: Photo-recorded with Film Photo-Polymer Second Mention: Alicja Snoch-Pawlowska (Poland) Work: Ways of the Light 1 Third Mention: Bren Unwin (United Kingdom) Work: Connected - Technique: Monocopy - Oil and Mixed Techniques on Paper Arches Fourth Mention: Frances Valesco (United States) Work: The Sea - Lighthouse 3 Special Mention : Helena Kanaan (Brazil) The exhibition will be open to the public until December 31 at the Cabo Mayor Lighthouse Art Center and can be visited at the usual time, that is: Tuesday to Thursday from 10:00 to 13:30 hours, Friday from 10:00 to 13:30 and from 17:00 to 20:00 hours, Saturdays from 11:30 to 14:30 and from 17:00 to 20:00 hours and Sundays from 11:30 to 14:30 hours. The digital catalogue with the selected and award-winning works can be found on the pageant's website:

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