The Port of Santander exceeds the 6 million-tonne barrier in November

18 Dec 2019

With a cumulative traffic of 6,055,303 tonnes and a forecast for December 400,000 tonnes, this will become the second best year in freight traffic in the port's history, only behind 2005 when the figure of 6,636,688 tonnes was reached.

The improvement produced is concentrated in solid bulk and general merchandise traffic, the most relevant type of goods in the Port.

Solid bulks accounted for 11.5% compared to 2018 between January and November and account for more than half of the port's total freight traffic by 56%. Within these, scrap metal, with an increase of 70.2% has experienced the most percentage growth, while cement, with almost 500,000 tonnes that have meant a growth of 29% compared to the same period in 2018, is the merchandise that has increased the most by weight. Sugar and soy cakes, on the other hand, have also grown markedly.

As for liquid bulks, these have been reduced by 5% but the impact on total traffic is small, as they represent only 4.79%.

General merchandise traffic in this period has increased by 13.3%, highlighting the growth of the machinery and equipment chapter, linked to RoRo traffic.

If we talk about RoRo traffic, with a growth of 20.8%, it continues a path of progress in the Port of Santander very positive. By springs, Raos grows the most with 34%, due to the transfer of CLdN to that pier.

In addition, stopovers and the number of cruise passengers have increased markedly while ferry passengers have decreased by 14.4% due, among others, to ship breakdowns.

This traffic data has meant that with 13.23%, Santander ranks, between January and October, as the port that has grown the most within the northern facade and the second in the entire Spanish port system where the average growth has been 1.65%.


*Major investments expected

-Conditioning of the plot 8.2.3. for car POIs (silo)

Investment budget: 20,484,051 euros (VAT exc.)

Term: 21 months (3 month project and 18 months work).

Award: 1 month.

-Renovation of superstructure in Raos 3 dock.


Budget Award: 2,229,012 euros (VAT exc.).

End-of-work estimate: end of December 2019.

-Urbanization curvilinear triangle Raos Sur.


Award budget: 1,193,309 euros (VAT exc.).

Awarded to COPSESA, S.A.

Working time: 5 months.

Start date: November 5, 2019.

Consolidation: 6 months


Investment budget: 2,795,921 euros (VAT exc.).

Working time: 4 months.

-Reform of the Ferry Terminal.

Awarded to RUCECAN, S.L.

Budget Award: 467,912 euros (VAT exc.).

Working time: 6 months.

Start date: June 18, 2019.

-Paving in the northern breakwater of Raos.

Awarded to RUCECAN, S.L.

Budget Award: 374,539 (VAT exc.).

Working time: 5 months

Start date: September 13, 2019

-Reform of the Maritime Station.


Budget Award:1,015,622 (VAT exc.).

Working time: 8 months

Start date: December 11, 2019.

-Section 1 to 4 of the Muelles de Maliaño:

Investment budget (provisional):18,800,000 (VAT exc.).

Status: in the project drafting phase

-Double-track renewal of FFCC access to the Port

Investment budget: 3,974,211 (VAT exc.).

Working time: 8 months.

Status: Project completed

-New access control to Raos docks.


Budget Award: 851,900 (VAT exc.).

Implementation period: 8 months

End date April 20, 2020

-New maintenance facilities in Rio Miera street.


Budget Award: 1,047,250 euros (VAT exc.).

Implementation period: 8 months

Start date: September 3, 2019.

-Rehabilitation of the roof of the fishing gear cellars located next to the fishing fish market of Santander.


Budget Award: 292,076 euros (VAT exc.).

Implementation deadline: 4 months

Start date November 5, 2019

-Renovation of FFCC tracks located in Raos 8 East pier.

Status: project drafting completed

Start date (approximate): April 2020

-New building for Port Police -CCS.


Investment budget approx.:500,000 euros (VAT exc.).

Drafting time: 6 months.

Pending project delivery.

*Top milestones 2019

-Santander valued as the best port for car companies

For the fourth consecutive year (2015-16-17-18), Santander achieved the first position in the maritime-port logistics assessment carried out by the Spanish Association of Automobile and Truck Manufacturers (ANFAC).

-New regular line with Southeast Asia

The Port of Santander premiered in October a new regular line that links Cantabria with Southeast Asia.This regular line, from the shipping company "K" Line Car Carrier, represented in Spain by Bergé, in addition to vehicles, trucks and platforms transports all kinds of oversized special goods, such as railway equipment, wind, yachts, civil/public machinery or other projects.

-Growth of cruise ship and cruise passenger traffic

2020 will end with 20 cruise stopovers in Santander, when the 12 annual cruise stopovers have never been exceeded. At the moment, by 2020 there are already confirmed 16 cruise stopovers. As for the number of crossers, almost 30,000 have been reached this year, when the all-time high did not reach 15,000.

-Transfer of ferry traffic activity to a new facility

The prospects for both cruise ships and ferry traffic are so good that the Port will separate in the short term the infrastructure that both traffics now share, the Maritime Station. It will host only cruise ships from 2023 while Ferry traffic will be served at a new facility located on the Muelles de Maliaño, at the height of the Franco Depot.

-Terminal installation to supply Liquefied Natural Gas

It will be an investment of 32.8 million euros of which the EU will co-finance with 6

It will serve to provide future BF vessels and will have the side effect of a dock reform to suit their new task.

The warehouse with a capacity of 1000 cubic meters will be built by the consortium created by Repsol LNG Holding, the APS and ESK

-Recovery of the Border Inspection Post (PIF)

With this measure, the Santander Port Authority expands the type of goods that can be imported through the port of third countries.

-Santander, headquarters of the "Fondo 4.0"

The port of Santander is, together with 13 other Spanish cities, the headquarters of the "Fondo Puertos 4.0", a new interports compensation fund aimed at incorporating "disruptive innovation" as an element of competitiveness in the Spanish logistics-port sector both public and private. This new fund was created in March 2018 and is endowed with about 25 million euros.


1.- Completion of raos 9 dock and entry into operation of the installation for regular line traffic.

2.- Construction of the silo of 73,000 m2 on an upper floor for export car parking in Raos 8.

3.- Relocation of BF terminal in Maliaño docks 1-4. Release of port spaces in front of the sea for urban use.

4.- Railway terminal planning in Llano de la Pasiega and complementary activities.

5.- Rail movement of goods between Madrid and the Port in multi-client compositions.

6.- Introduce at least two new activities in the Port of Santander.

7.- Achieve an increase in traffic in general merchandise of regular lines equivalent to 50% of the total, on a movement basis greater than 6 M./Tns. year.

8.- Process the construction of a new plant in phase "2" of SCS.

9.- Achieve the consolidation of cruise traffic in the region.

10.- Maximize the field of innovation through initiatives developed within the 4.0 fund.

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