The Palace of the Embarcadero resumes its cultural activity at the Palacete del Embarcadero with the exhibition "This is not Hawaii", from the Lafuente

3 Aug 2020

The Palacete del Embarcadero resumes its cultural activity at the Palacete del Embarcadero with the exhibition "This is not Hawaii", from the Lafuente Santander File, August 3, 2020. The Palace of the Embarcadero resumes its cultural programming on Thursday, interrupted during the last months by the COVID-19 crisis, with the exhibition "This is not Hawaii" of the Lafuente File. The exhibition, organized by the Port Authority of Santander and the Lafuente File, can be visited until 20 September. From an exceptional witness, the influential music journalist Jesús Ordovás, the Lafuente Museum travels in the exhibition some of the great milestones of the Madrid movement (the first fully pop in the history of Spain).

Just as punk generated an artistic aesthetic in London or New York, in Madrid in the early 1980s, a visual discourse embodied in poster design, painting or photography emerged around music and concerts. Figures such as Ceesepe, Mariscal, Alberto García-Alix, Ouka Leele, El Hortelano or Miguel Trillo, and fanzines, posters, magazines and radio programs (such as the one with the title of this exhibition) energized the youth explosion that occurred in Spain between the seventies and eighties. Among the fabulous material that Ordovás has preserved, and now on display in this exhibition along with pieces from other backgrounds also from the Lafuente Museum (Ceesepe, El Hoterlano, Mariscal, García-Alix...), there are documentation and original photographs around two of the founding moments of the movement: the concert held at the School of Roads of the Polytechnic University of Madrid on February 9, 1980 in memory of José Enrique Cano Leal Canito , drums of the Tos group killed in a car accident in January 1980; and Sunday mornings at the Rastro de Madrid, when some young people gathered between antiques and trinkets to buy and sell self-published records and magazines. In this context Alaska and Carlos Berlanga met, and there, from their own shopkeeper, Ceesepe bridged between Madrid and the cartoonists of El Rrollo de Barcelona. The prolific Madrid artist released in the comic book and in his works for publishers such as La banda de Moebius, and later shone in his career as a painter, with works such as Estrellita going to New York, Café de Madrid or Desastre Naval, reunited for this exhibition and which were made respectively in 1981, 1982 and 1983. Ceesepe would be, together with Alberto García-Alix, Ouka Leele and El Hortelano, the most outstanding figure of the so-called Cascorro Factory, an adventure where four of the most solid and unique artists of that fledgling youth movement coincided.

The exhibition can be visited from Tuesday to Sunday from 11:30 to 13:30 and from 18:00 to 21:00 hours. Admission to the center is free of charge.