The Palace of the Embarcadero hosts the "One more One" initiative in favor of the Food Bank of Cantabria

29 Jul 2020

The Palacete del Embarcadero hosts the "Uno más Uno" initiative in favor of the Banco de Alimentos de Cantabria Bernat López, an amateur cyclist, travels 5,000 kilometers through Spain by bicycle to raise at least 5,000 kilos of food for the Food Banks. The Port Authority closes with this act the first phase of the campaign "Palacete del Embarcadero. Zero Zone of Solidarity". Santander 29/07/2020. More than 50 tons of non-perishable and first-need products, 1,045 registered volunteers and 3,700 direct donors is the balance of the first phase of the solidarity campaign "Palacete del Embarcadero. Zero Zone of Solidarity", organized by the Port Authority of Santander and the Food Bank of Cantabria.

The initiative, which is likely to be resumed from September with a second phase, has been well received by The Cantabrian society and the APS would like to thank for the help of all those who, with their contribution, have shown solidarity with the most vulnerable sectors and those who have been particularly affected by the COVID-19 crisis. In addition, the APS calls for continued collaboration in such a generous way with the Food Bank so that it can continue to help day by day to meet the basic needs of all those living in Cantabria. Coinciding with the end of this first phase, the Palacete del Embarcadero has hosted this afternoon the "One plus One" initiative.

It is the project of Bernat López, an amateur cyclist, who is traveling 5,000 kilometers through Spain by bicycle to raise at least 5,000 kilos of food for the Food Banks. López was received on arrival at the Palacete by the mayor of the city, the president of the Food Bank of Cantabria, representatives of the Port Authority and the Cantabria Con Bici Association, who also want to contribute their grain of sand in this solidarity initiative. The name "One plus one" is born from converting each kilometer of route into at least 1 kg of food. Bernat López started pedaling on Thursday, July 16 from Barcelona, starting a route that is taking him through cities such as Lleida, Zaragoza, Logroño, Vitoria, Bilbao, Santander, Gijón, A Coruña, Santiago de Compostela, Zamora, Salamanca, Avila, Madrid, Cáceres, Seville, Malaga, Granada, Almería, Murcia and Valencia.

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