The deadline to participate in the VI edition of Mini Print International Cantabria "The Sea and the Lighthouses" is open.

1 Mar 2023
The deadline to participate in the VI edition of Mini Print International Cantabria "The Sea and the Lighthouses" is open. The works, which will be part of an exhibition at the Cabo Mayor Lighthouse Art Center, can be registered until July 31, 2023. Thanks to this contest, the Port Authority has a collection of two thousand small-format graphic works by artists from all over the world. Santander 01/03/2023. The Port Authority of Santander and SM Pro Art Circle, with the collaboration of El Diario Montañés, have already launched the VI edition of the Mini Print International Cantabria "The Sea and the Lighthouses" contest with the opening of the reception of originals, which will last until July 31, 2023. According to the president of the APS, Francisco Martín, this initiative "has become a magnificent ambassador of the Port Authority and its commitment to art", since "hundreds of works of great quality sent by renowned artists from all corners of the world" participate in each edition. The Mini Print Cantabria Collection is part of the Santander Port Authority's Art Fund and is made up of all the award-winning works and those that, as Martín explained, "are generously donated by the artists participating in each of its editions". For the moment, the APS has collected 1972 works that have been enjoyed at the Faro de Cabo Mayor Art Center. In addition, several agreements have been reached with institutions in other countries so that part of the collection can be exhibited in other centers, so a selection of works traveled in 2021 to the headquarters of the Cervantes Institute in Bordeaux and in 2022 to the art gallery of the Marie Curie-Sklodowska University in Poland. As expressed by the head of the port "we hope that in 2023 the collection will continue to grow at the same pace and we can get new exhibitions in other spaces, so that more people can enjoy it". VI edition Mini Print International Cantabria "The Sea and the Lighthouses". Requirements for the Works: The award is open to all graphic disciplines, admitting also digital printed work and monotype. The general theme is The Sea and the Lighthouses, but this does not imply that the work must be figurative. All types of aesthetic languages are admitted. The image and the paper must not exceed 20 x 20 cm. There is no minimum image or paper size. Each work must be presented without passe-partout, frame, glass or stretcher. Each artist may submit up to a maximum of three works. Prizes: The following Prizes will be awarded: 1st Prize: 4,000 €. 2nd Prize: 1500 €. 3rd Prize: 500 €. Special Prize Cantabrian Sea: 500 € (*) (*)This award aims to support the practice of graphic arts among the artists of Cantabria and is sponsored by El Diario Montañés. The awarded works will become part of the heritage of the Centro de Arte Faro Cabo Mayor together with the works that, once again, the artists prefer to donate to the heritage of the Port Authority of Santander. Dates: Closing date for registration: 31 July 2023. Exhibition: From September 1 to December 31, 2023. Official Inauguration: If circumstances permit, on 1/9/2023. Jury Meeting: Mid-September 2023. Awards Ceremony: Once the jury has made its decision and on a date yet to be determined. Exhibition Space for the works: The exhibition of the selected works will be held in the halls of the Centro de Arte Faro Cabo Mayor in Santander, Cantabria, Spain on the dates mentioned above. Catalog: The organizers, as in all editions, will publish a digital catalog with the selected and awarded works that can be viewed and downloaded, free of charge, from the website of the Contest. For more information on the VI Edition of the Mini Print, as well as on the previous editions and the free download of the digital catalogs of the same, please visit the website: