The artist SpY installs a work at the Cabo Mayor on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the Port Authority of Santander and the 90th anniversary of the UIMP.

20 Jul 2022
The artist SpY installs in the Cabo Mayor a work on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the Port Authority of Santander and the 90th anniversary of the UIMP ? It is a kinetic installation formed by a sequence of mirrors that will be located in the surroundings of the Cabo Mayor lighthouse until September 15. ? Under the name 'Sky, sea, land', the author aims to create "a memorable artistic experience for the visiting public". Santander, July 20, 2022 - Many events are taking place on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the Menéndez Pelayo International University (UIMP) and the 150th anniversary of the Port Authority of Santander (APS) respectively. In this context is framed the installation that the urban artist from Madrid SpY has installed this week in Santander and will remain in the city until September 15. On this occasion he has chosen a scenario as representative of the city of Santander as Cabo Mayor. "The Cantabrian capital offers a wonderful natural setting all along the coast but mainly in high points like the lighthouse, where they highlight the imposing and inspiring presence of the landscape," says the author of the work, the urban artist SpY, whose identity remains anonymous. There he has placed, along the exterior staircase, a sequence of 20 convex circular mirrors in line, with variable rotations, which multiplies and reflects the sky, the sea and the land. In SpY's own words, "the work offers the viewer a hypnotic experience in constant change through the hours of the day, while playing with ideas of multiplication, dynamism and constant evolution of the natural landscape." It is, therefore, a dynamic work with which the artist proposes "to dialogue with the incredible environment of the lighthouse by creating a kinetic installation." Dialogue with the environment About the creative process of 'Cielo, mar, tierra', its creator states that "it was very inspiring to get to know the lighthouse territory and its history. Exploring the enclave I imagined what its history would have been like and that of those who were in charge of guiding so many sailors along the coasts of Santander through a luminous dialogue." In that sense, he says, "it was important to me that the work was looking out to sea, following that dialogue through the mirrors, the light and the reflection of the surroundings." In this way, both the public that comes to see the installation and those who encounter it unexpectedly can become part of that dialogue with the environment that SpY proposes to whoever sees it: "The ultimate goal of the proposal is to involve the viewer with the work and have them connect and interact, being an active part of the artistic experience." For the creator, these types of interventions have different possibilities to those offered by more conventional models such as museums and art galleries. In this regard, he affirms: "Artistic projects like these in public spaces make artists out of the public. International Repercussion SpY is an urban artist based in Madrid, but develops his works internationally. Norway, Russia, India, Chile or the United States are some of the countries that have served as a stage for his installations and in which he has a significant impact. His beginnings date back to the 80s when he started experimenting with graffiti, a discipline in which he became quite recognized. Since then he has been exploring different ways of approaching the public using urban spaces as a medium, resulting in increasingly ambitious and impressive installations. Second time in Santander This is not the first time a work by SpY can be seen in Santander. In 2014, as part of the Desvelarte festival, the artist painted his work 'EGO' on one of the facades of the Candina industrial estate. Now, thanks to the events commemorating the 90th anniversary of the Menéndez Pelayo International University (UIMP) and the 150th anniversary of the Port Authority of Santander, all those who come to the Cabo Mayor lighthouse until September 15 will be able to enjoy the 'Sky, Sea, Land' show. The UIMP and the Port Authority Historically, the Menéndez Pelayo International University (UIMP) and the Port Authority of Santander have had a close relationship. Thus, over the years they have been collaborating in various fields, from the joint organization of cultural activities to the UIMP's own Summer Courses. This collaboration, which was interrupted by the pandemic, has been resumed to coincide with the anniversary of both institutions. For the president of the Port Authority, Francisco Martín, "it is a pleasure to be able to resume the collaboration with the UIMP, which has always been so fruitful not only in the cultural field but also in the field of innovation and training". In his opinion, "the installation of SpY is another incentive to visit both the Cabo Mayor Lighthouse and its art center, a small corner of our coast as wonderful as little known to many Santander and Cantabrians".