The APS promotes an investment of 2 million euros in Puertochico to increase the safety of recreational boats and improve accessibility for citizens to the breakwater.

13 Oct 2021
The APS promotes an investment of 2 million euros in Puertochico to increase the safety of pleasure boats and improve accessibility for citizens to the breakwater. The construction of a new breakwater, the urbanization of the breakwater and the change of pontoons, among the actions to be carried out by the Real Club Marítimo de Santander within its investment commitment to the APS for the renewal of its concession. Santander 13-10-21. The president of the Port Authority, Francisco Martin, said this morning at the start of the works to replace the floating breakwater that protects the Puertochico dock that the work will serve "to enhance the safety of moored sports boats", since the construction was "in an advanced state of deterioration and did not provide the necessary functionality. The works include the replacement of the floating concrete breakwater in the form of 'L' located at the entrance of the dock, as well as the anchor and dead trains that hold it to the bottom. The new breakwater will have its anchoring system to the bottom reinforced by means of new elastomers, with more than twice the resistance of the previous ones, and with additional concrete deads, which will ensure a better stability of the whole. This is intended to improve the conditions of the dock until the final installation of the new modules, which are expected to be installed during the first quarter of 2022. This action, which has an investment of 500 thousand euros, is part of the commitment of the Real Club Marítimo de Santander to invest two million euros in its concession, in exchange for renewing it with the APS for 25 more years. In addition, the Club will renew the urbanization of the breakwater with an investment of 221,000 euros to, as explained by the president of the port, "improve accessibility for citizens" and make the walk through the area "much more pleasant". Within the set of committed actions, the Maritime Club will also carry out the change of the pontoons, which will involve an investment of 1,279,000 euros.